Easier Than You Think: Choosing Baker Charter Schools
by Ellery Garrison, Elementary Teacher and Parent, Baker Web Academy
School at home does not have to be a mystery. "How does she do it?" "I could never do school at home with MY kids." "Where would I even start?" These are questions I hear all the time from friends, parents, and grandparents. My answer is simple, "If you have the desire to homeschool your child, and YOU believe it is the best environment for his/her learning, then Baker Charter School will give you all the tools you need." Seriously, it is THAT easy.
Many families choose from the wide selection of textbook options for their kindergarten through middle school children...just like Ellery did for her own children!
Were you ever immediately good at something you never practiced? Probably not, (though some of you might have answered yes and if so then good for you)! Now, back to reality for the rest of us. Practicing with the right tools will help you to improve and become successful at anything in life. Teaching your child at home is by no means easy, but it can be so rewarding.
Take it from this homeschool momma turned Baker teacher. There are SO many ways to homeschool….and I tried them all. I jumped from charter to charter, to just doing it on my own--and yes, I am a licensed teacher and was often still just off-point...until I joined Baker Charter School.
I found that Baker had one crucial item that many other charter schools were lacking: a parental voice. They actually listened and designed a school that takes what you WANT and simply puts the tools in your hands. The belief that the parent is the ideal teacher for a child and that Baker just supplies you with the tools was a refreshing change!
My major complaint over other charters was that my child would join, he would be put in a pre-made box, and then the light would change green and we were just supposed to go. Go where? Downhill?
“So how exactly does Baker Charter School Work? What would our part look like? Let me guide you. ”
So how exactly does Baker Charter School Work? What would our part look like? Let me guide you. Step One: Hooray, you enrolled online (bites fingernails). Now what? Step Two: At your initial home visit, you meet your Advisory Teacher (or AT). Yeah, they are so kind and helpful! Sweet, I get a free laptop to use. Wow, our curriculum is so cool! You get a specialized progress monitoring sheet (PM sheet) laying out all your child’s curriculum for the year. Great, THE plan is in place. Step Three: You see your AT twice a month (either at home, video chat, or a public location). Step Four: You do TWO attendance checks-in each week. We want to know you are on task and working, after all. Step Five: Your AT is there to help your child. Need help with an assignment, want a new program, need some tips and tricks? He or she is there to help with it all. Step Six: Student completes work, teachers give feedback and grades assignments, tests are turned in, and, in the blink of an eye, a successful year of school is finished!
So, if you feel Baker Charter School might be a good fit for you, maybe you should take a look at the curriculum site, or the enrollment page and get the ball rolling!