Graduation REquirements
Early College students please use this guide to help you determine which college course-extensions (MTH, ENG, COM, etc) match with which high school graduation categories. Contact our Early College staff if you have any questions.
Language Arts
Writing, English, Speech courses (WR, ENG, SP, or COM)
MTH 60 - MTH 95 count for high school math credit but do not meet college math requirements. MTH 111- MTH 251 qualify for both high school and college math credit.
Social Science
History, Psychology, Sociology, Political Science, Government, Economics, Anthropology, Geography, Women’s Studies (HST, PSY, SOC, SSC, PS, ATH, WS)
Biology, Geology, Astronomy, Physical Science, Oceanography, Chemistry, Anatomy and Physiology, Genetics, Microbiology, Botany, General Science series (BI, GS, GEO, CH, BOT, PH)
Health, Fitness, First Aid (HPE, HE)
Career and Technical/World Language/Arts (CTE)
Computer, business and accounting, world language, arts, (CS, SPN, FR,RUS, etc)