Is BCS right for you?  

Home-based learning isn’t right for every student. The following situations may help you explore whether BWA or BEC may be a good fit for your family.


Middle School

"When my parents started telling me about home-schooling as an option, I was only like "meh." I liked my 5th grade but what I was hearing about 6th grade wasn't all that great, and everyone talks about how horrible middle school is. But I kept wondering if I'd keep in touch with my friends and if it would be too hard.

The thing is, the other homeschooled kids I've met are really cool, too.  At our Bend BCS Student Center they do LEGO robotics and other activities, and that's where I meet up with some of the other guys that are in Baker Web.  Plus, I get to travel with my dad sometimes, and since I do my schoolwork wherever, it's no problem.  I like it."

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"My daughters were having an awful time at our local elementary school.  I don't think it was anybody's fault, it's just a big school and they were falling through the cracks.  

We kept asking if they had any homework, and the answer was always "no."  It seemed like they weren't really growing academically or being challenged, but I didn't feel like I could take them out and do the whole homeschool thing.

A friend told us about Baker Web Academy and we signed up last fall.  The girls don't love it all the time, but they don't want to go back to school--and we've asked.  They love their math program, all three of them have started to read more and enjoy it, and I love having them home with me."